Is the dull January rain making you feel unmotivated to keep to your new
years resolutions? Stop feeling so down and rebel against the weather with
your wardrobe! Here are some fun ideas to to get you off the sofa and onto
the streets (even if you do need to take a raincoat and umbrella).
1.Sometimes all you need is 1 colourful item to make an outfit bring light
to your face and I suggest starting with a t-shirt. That way you can work
other elements of your look around it - just like I have done in the picture
2.Shorts may be a bit adventurous to go outside in just yet (unless you
want to wear thick tights with them). So when you've got an indoors day,
wear them then. The house will be warm and you'll be organising those
cupboards that you stuffed all your uninteresting Christmas presents in,
3. Trainers are bound to make you want to get up and be active in them,
so get up and get them on!
4. Like I mentioned before, work other elements of your look around the
bright colours. This could be nail varnish, a cap, lipstick or even a pair of
socks. Get creative.
Hopefully with these quick tips you will put a springier step into your
resolutions this January and maybe even keep them going until February
this year...
- Zin